
Showing posts from June 9, 2013

I've Been Ad.....

©2013 by LeeZard Advertising, more than anything, reflects the current state of society – for better or worse. Unfortunately, IMHO, it’s usually for the worst. What has me thinking about this is the brouhaha over the recent Cheerios ad featuring a mixed race child. I love it because the commercial is so sweet and child-like. I love it more because General Mills did it and stuck to it after the reaction from the whacko right-wing reactionaries. Both sides represent a clear mirror of where we are today.  What hasn’t changed since the dawn of advertising time is the mix of funny, touching and brilliant with the stupid, inane and insulting. I’m thinking primarily about the mass electronic media. Oh, let us count the ways. When I sat down to write this piece I thought I’d take the time to insert examples of everything I’m talking about, the good, the bad and the ugly. I’ve decided not to sully my blog, or your senses, with the trash that often spews from the ad agenc

Don't Quote Me On This.......

Note: Let’s play a little game, shall we? How many of the quotes below can you connect to their correct movie and, if missing, the character and actor without looking at the footnote? No fair looking ‘em up online either. ©2013 by LeeZard Who doesn’t like movie quotes? In fact, many of us (myself included) use every chance we get to work our favorite quotes into our lives. Who wouldn’t love the chance to look at a lover who has spurned us and say,  “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” [1] ? But, we must be careful because, like the game of  “Telephone,” as the quotes move down the line they change.” “Play it again, Sam!” [2] Nope, Rick (Bogie) never said it. Even so, most people use the incorrect version. What he really said was, “You played it for her, you can play it for me. If she can stand it, I can. Play it!”  You can see why the misquote fell into the lexicon instead of the original, it’s a helluva lot punchier. Here’s a more difficult one, “Fasten