
Showing posts from 2016

Arrogance Wins, Arrogance Loses

--> ©2016 by LeeZard   Wednesday November 9, 2016 Ask The Boss; I’ve been telling her for weeks that I was afraid of this election. Today, I am saddened, depressed and, yes, fearful. I’m still in shock. I’ve never been so deeply affected by a presidential election, not Nixon, not Reagan and not Dubya (although I always feared Vice Thug Dick Cheney). So, what are we to do, those of us who believe in equality for all and love not hate? For now, we just take a collective deep breath and wait. Like many of you, I’m considering a move out of the country but such a momentous decision should not be made hastily. I can’t/won’t wait for the so-called pundits to figure this whole thing out. I have my own views. Yes, 20-20 hindsight is easy even if it’s difficult to swallow. As I awoke this morning to my melancholy, the word arrogance dominated my consciousness. Trump’s arrogance (cannot bring myself to use the word president before his name) helped him win this historic

The Sad Truth

--> ©2016 by LeeZard   I have so many feelings and emotions, anger, sadness, despair, frustration, hopeless and helpless. Did I mention anger? I don’t know what to do. What can I do? What can we do? It may be too late to do much of anything; the genie is out of the gun safe.   I’m talking, of course, about the horror in Orland, FL, its aftermath and the ensuing predictable debate over gun control mixed with the platitudes of, “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and victims.” I want to vomit. Sorry, folks, even if you do believe in some great deity, thoughts and prayers don’t mean squat. Let’s face it; the sad truth is that even if weapons such as the AR-15 are banned nationally, nothing will change, at least not in the foreseeable future. I’m sure you’re thinking, “How can you say such a thing, LeeZard? We absolutely must ban assault weapons!” First of all, the AR-15 is technically NOT an assault weapon. According to the Christian Science Monitor