
Showing posts from January 5, 2014


  ©2013 by LeeZard “Look” is such a simple word. If you look it up at, however, it becomes quite a bit more complicated with no less than 20 definitions, 27 phrases and five idioms. Why do I bring this up? I’m glad you asked. I saw something at work the other day that reminded me of perhaps the scariest, unspoken and most widely used version of the word. I am talking about THE LOOK. skirts around the power of THE LOOK in definition 13: “to express or suggest by looks: to look one's annoyance at a person. ” nails it in definition three: “ A phrase to describe when your partner/spouse is highly annoyed with you and gives you 'The Look.' After receiving 'The Look' the receiver is usually filled with immense dread at prospects of hearing what he/she did wrong or being subjected to severe punishments. Punishments may include but not limited to: the couch, 'headaches', and television out the