Feeling Peevish

©2013 by LeeZard
Pet peeves - we all have ‘em. I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours.
There are the obvious ones:

  •     Bigotry
  •     Hate
  •     Ignorance &; stupidity
  •     Abuse of any kind
  •     War
  •     Bullies

But what about those little quirks in other people that drive you mad, like instant friends, for example? 
I was on jury duty a few weeks ago (Yes, I’m one of those who see it as an important part of our democracy). The minute I sat down in the meeting room this guy sitting next to me starts to chat me up. I’m not one for idle chitchat, especially with complete strangers but this guy really wanted to be my friend. Despite my obvious attempts to ignore him, he was determined.
“Is this your first time on jury duty?” Silence.
“I’ve done this many times; I can help you.” Silence.
“What are you reading?” Silence.
“I hope we get picked for the same jury pool.” Silence.
I kept looking around for another empty seat but the room was packed.
“If we’re in different pools, I’ll meet you at lunch to answer any questions.” Silence.
Finally, mercifully, my name was called for the first pool. My new buddy wasn’t.
    Don’t get me going on bad drivers. Too late, let me count the ways they make me want to drive them off the road (metaphorically speaking, of course):

    • Driving at/or under the speed limit in the passing lane
    • Tailgating
    • Stopping on the freeway until someone let’s you change lanes - really?
    • Carpool lane abuse
    • Right turns into left lanes/Left turns into right lanes

    Let's step out of our cars for a moment and complain about bad parking in parking lots. There are two kinds. First, there are simply those who can't park and/or don't care. That's bad enough. What really hacks me off, though, is the guy - and it's usually a guy - with the fancy shmancy car who purposely takes up two spaces. I leave both types a little message.


    Bullshit. There’s lying and there’s bullshitting; there’s a difference. We all tell lies or withhold information once in awhile, whatever our motives. To me, bullshitting is an ongoing pattern of, well, bullshit. Won’t tolerate it.
    Invading my personal space, whatever that is. We all have that invisible line beyond which anyone but our intimates makes us uncomfortable. To me, it's a form of bullying or intimidation. Add to that touchy-feely strangers.
    How about those people who always have a sarcastic remark or joke? They think they’re being funny or they are trying to appear funny. To my mind, they are couching something mean in an alleged joke. Hey, that sounds like bullshit!
    I hate a limp, weak handshake. I’m not sure it reflects a weak character, as some will tell you. To me it’s just creepy. I like someone to look me in the eye and deliver a firm handgrip. Conversely, there’s the guy - and it’s always a guy - who tries to crush your hand. I think that shows tremendous insecurity – but that’s just me.
    Tweeny Miley Cyrus

    Tweens (we used to call ‘em teeny boppers) who dress like ho’s. C’mon moms!

    In the same vein, and this is really creepy, little girl beauty contests.

    I could go on and on but I don’t want to start sounding like a grumpy old man, which by the way, is another pet peeve. Leave your pet peeves with your comments below.


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