Young Fashionistas

©2008 by LeeZard

Have you been to a shopping mall lately? I try to avoid it but sometimes it’s unavoidable. I have to tell you; I am absolutely amazed at what I see. I’m talking about pre-pubescent feminine come-hither.

I know I'm starting to sound like a curmudgeon but this rant goes back to when I was parenting my kids as teens. It bothered me then and it bothers me now. There are limits, ya know.

Now, I’m no prude - far from it - but I am often appalled by the way these young girls – and I mean YOUNG – are dressing. Barely to their teens, they are in tight, belly exposing tank tops. They squeeze into micro-mini skirts or very tight low-riding jeans – riding so low that their thong underwear is exposed when they lean forward to take a bite out of their Big Mac Happy Meals. I have sweatbands that cover more than those thongs do.

Then there are all those thumbtacks in their noses, their ears and their bellybuttons. We are talking about our very young daughters dressing like Times Square hookers. I'm sure (at least I hope) these tweens don't know what those tongue studs are for. One would hope, though, their parents do and would prevent their daughters from advertising fellatio.

And, do the moms and dads of these girls think it’s only teen-aged boys gaping at this tweener peep show? Puleeeze. I remember when my daughter was THE Teen Queen and, I sure as hell didn't want geezers my age ogling her. Thank goodness her mom kept the fashion radar going.

While we’re on the subject, what’s up with the boys? I was hoping this would just be a fad when it showed up in the 80’s-90’s – but our eyes are still assailed with the so-called “urban style.” These young fashionistas are wearing their pants with the waistband down to the middle of their butts. Hell, it wasn't pretty on Dan Akroyd in the famous SNL Plumber's Butt Skit.

I was in a store last week (not voluntarily) and there was this couple at the cash register – she was stylishly dressed in tailored jeans, nice sweater and pointy-toed boots.

The guy looked like he had grabbed someone else’s clothing out of the laundromat – oversized shirt with the tails hanging, an unmatched sweater, a too-large baseball cap with the bill pointing east and the pants – what can I say about the pants? I didn’t know if I should walk up behind him and pull them up or, just for the fun of it, pull ‘em down. The waistband was floating somewhere between his hips and his knees and his exposed boxer shorts were, shall we say, “butt ugly.”

Listen, I grew up in the 60’s. I get rebellion and freedom of expression but, I also understand the need for parents placing limits on their kids.

I just read somewhere that the fashion pendulum is starting to swing the other way for our young women, that they are starting to dress more conservatively. Thank Gawd.

I am against political and government cover-ups but I think it is time for a different kind of national cover-up. Tweener cover up thy navel, Dude cover up thy butt!


Anonymous said…
I'm with you ... all the way!

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