Dancin' With Mr. C: Zero Minus Three

--> ©2017 by Lee Frederick Somerstein
I didn’t think I had anymore to say before my prostate cancer surgery this coming Tuesday. As is often the case, I’m wrong.
Three days out and my mind is moving fast, in every direction. Thankfully, it remains mostly positive. When those scary, negative thoughts inevitably emerge, I acknowledge them let them pass by like a fart in a windstorm. I can’t allow them to take hold in my head. Then, I focus on the best things in my life. I am grateful for everything I have.
Still, I face a rough few weeks. I’m successfully dealing with the anxiety but, today, I’m struggling with the tension of it all. It doesn’t feel like “I’m scared” tension. I’m struggling with the unknown. Maybe it’s my ADHD in high gear but it drives me crazy. Sure, the docs are very positive and I don’t think they train ‘em to soften the news. Still, shit happens and I want the results NOW!
As usual I rely on my 19-years of sobriety and the quiver of tools I have to handle that shit. Since I began this journey less than a month ago, a major tool has been my ability to let go of things I can’t control. It’s not always easy but I have lots of practice and it takes away a lot of pressure.
Another major tool is the power and fellowship of the group. When I got sober my group was Alcoholics Anonymous and it was powerful. Today it’s anyone who reads this. I think this group can be at least as powerful.
Unashamedly, this mini-journal is primarily for me so that as little as possible lurks in my cranial folds, Two common threads of this series are good vibrations and positive energy. It’s working; your response is steady, heartwarming and empowering.
This leads to my unabashedly unscientific experiment, likewise a common thread. It’s about those good, good, good, good vibrations. I ask all of you to use the magic of music and shoot those vibes my way like energy lasers. I’ve never been more serious in my life. I think this stuff works and I have a plan.
My surgery this Tuesday – 4/25 - begins at 7:30am (MDT). It’s at least a two-and-a-half hour procedure. If you can find time that day, please use any audio medium to find The Beach Boys iconic 1966 hit “Good Vibrations.” If you can, listen to it where you can crank it up and share it. Then, while you’re enjoying one of the most iconic Rock songs ever, share those vibes with me.
Think about it, even if a small number of you take a few minutes to merely enjoy a great song and think positive thoughts, it might help anyone – even you.
Good Vibrations, baby. Bring It!


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