Class Not Crass

©2013 by LeeZard

Those who know me will confirm that I am anything but a prude. I also say with pride that, as much as any man can be, I am a feminist - equal pay for equal work, pro-choice on abortion, vehemently against abuse of any kind, etc. Yet, I also say with no shame that I am not above admiring a beautiful, sexy woman. Hey, I’m still a heterosexual guy.
Having said the above, I am writing to express my indignation at the way some “image-makers,” if not the female artists themselves exploit their sexuality. To me, there is a big difference between sexy, sultry, alluring and blatant “ho’-ism.”
The Supremes
Once again I am the salmon swimming upstream. The media bombard us with the typical male objectification of women both in advertising and content. The saddest thing to me is not only how many women accept it but also how many women use it to climb the entertainment ladder to stardom. It wasn’t always so.

Lena Horne

Eartha Kitt
Dolly - Class
Granted, the times were different, certainly much more conservative. I get that. But even in today’s social media-driven-anything-goes environment, there’s a line between being sexy with class (or at least restraint) and just being crass.
Carrie Underwood - Restraint

J-Lo - Crass


J-Lo - Class
Beyonce - Crass

Beyonce - Ass
Kei$ha - ????

Yes, I love sexy women but, when it comes to singers, musicians, etc., what makes a woman sexiest to me is her voice and/or her music.


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