Mother We Have Missed You (Click here to see Mother's First Guest Column)

©2009 by LeeZard

Back by popular demand, our esteemed guest Columnist, Mother Goose!

“Fiddle Dee, Fiddle Day, I could not stay away,” she told LeeZard. “There’s just too much going on today.”

“And by the way,” she added, “I know what’s troublin’ ya. So let’s spend some time with the letter Dubya.”

Tell us how you really feel Mother.
--- ---

Rub a glug glug, Dick Cheney’s a thug
And who else do you think was there?
Why, Rumstead and Dubya,
Going to war,
Based on lies meant to scare ya.

Georgy Porgy, pudding and pie,
failed Americans and made them cry.
When the time came to pay,
Georgy Porgy ran away.

Little Boy Blue, come, blow your horn!
The consitution’s on hold, the war rages on.
Where's the congress to balance and check?
Under the thumb of the Dubya wreck!

Hey, diddle, diddle!
It still is a riddle,
How Dubya jumped over the moon.
For eight long years
He laughed at us,
While his minions acted like goons.

Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider,
And sat down beside her,
And hired her to write Dubya’s legacy.

Baa, baa, Obama,
Have you any wool?
Yessir, Yessir,
Three bags full;
One for Congress,
One toward our goal,
One for corporate America,
But with tighter control.

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,
Obama’s the man!
Wants an economic fix,
As fast as he can.
Craft it, submit it,
And mark it emergency,
Then pray for Congress
To get off its collective ass.

Caroline Kennedy
Could eat no crow,
She came across condescending.
And so, for Hillary’s senate seat,
The governor’s choice is still pending.

Wee Governor Blagojavich runs through the town,
Upstairs and downstairs, in his nightgown;
Rapping at the window, crying through the lock,
“Senate seat for sale,
Wanna trade some stock?"


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